Founded in 2004, NUUO uses advanced and comprehensive technologies to enhance surveillance cameras to high standards demanded by our Intelligent Surveillance Solution. Combining NVR and NDVR Hybrid technologies with IVS detections guaranteed NUUO a successful entry into the security industry marketplace quickly.

廠商軟體版本 4.00 測試日期 2012/9/7 作業系統 Win
串流 H.264 JPEG FPS Bitrate 聲音 輸入 輸出 PTZ功能 支援
LILIN產品韌體版本 iMEGAPRO (1.4.59)
L 系列 (1.4.59)
IP 快速球 & Server (2.0.14)
S Series (1.3.53_7)
Ultra Series (1.3.53_7)
D1 攝影機 ( 0.3.80 )