A healthcare and elderly care solution that prioritizes privacy.
Presenting imagery resembling thermal sensing while blurring the physiological external features of the care recipient to protect their privacy.
Quickly discerning events occurring in the scene to assist caregivers in making responsive actions.
用 AI 取代人力
AI handles everything, eliminating the need for constant screen monitoring.
No longer feeling "watched," enabling a more peaceful rest.
只需要把監視器置換成 ToF 裝置,案場的佈署就已經完成
Just swap out the surveillance cameras with ToF devices, and the setup of the site is complete.
ToF 適用於需要穩私及快速反應的場景
ToF is suitable for scenarios requiring privacy and quick responsiveness.
Saving manpower and hardware resources, while swiftly responding to the actions of the care recipient.
在匿名性場域需要保護在場的人員身份,透過 ToF 剛好可以滿足此需求
Clearly displaying personnel identities in anonymous settings is inappropriate; ToF technology conveniently addresses this issue.
AI 及行為模式偵測讓事件的判斷更精準,提早告警以防範事件
AI and behavior pattern detection for more precise event assessment, enabling early warnings to prevent incidents.
ToF 裝置相容於利凌監控生態鍊,可在戶外及室內環境使用
ToF devices are compatible with the LILIN ecosystem, for use in both indoor and outdoor environments.
3D ToF 深度感測網路攝影機是 ToF 環境最核心的裝置,也是截取影像的主要設備。
The 3D ToF depth-sensing network camera serves as the core device in the ToF environment and is the primary equipment for capturing images.
A dedicated management server for healthcare purposes, equipped with built-in healthcare management functionalities.
在中控中心利用 AI 機能分析影像及管理相關事件,透過聰明的檢索方式來瀏覽影像,要撈出關鍵幀時也不必再大海撈針。
AI-powered control center simplifies image analysis and event management, offering smart footage retrieval without exhaustive searches.
ToF 解決方案在醫療院所是如何運作的
How does the ToF solution operate in medical facilities?
Count on us for expert advice and tailored site planning.
Contact our sales team for further information.
專人服務 Fill the form攝影機、後端主機、周邊,找到最適合的解決方案。
Explore the ideal solution by matching the right cameras, backend servers, and peripherals for your requirements.
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